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Carlton - Arena Taekwondo

Child Care/Welfare Policy

(Revised 2024)


            Carlton – Arena Taekwondo is affiliated to the British Taekwondo. It complies fully with the Syllabus, Ethics and Conduct promoted by the World Taekwondo (WT) and the BT.

Statement of Policy


            Carlton – Arena Taekwondo is committed to ensuring that all young students are protected from any form of child abuse.

            Carlton- Arena Taekwondo (CAT) will ensure that all Instructors and Officials are fit and proper persons to be working, training or involved with children/juniors and even adults.

            Carlton – Arena Taekwondo (CAT) will not employ an Instructor or Official unless Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) has checked him/her and the report is favourable. References will also be taken for such appointments.

            Carlton – Arena Taekwondo will investigate all complaints or allegations of child abuse.

It will also ensure that any suspicion of child abuse outside the control of Carlton – Arena Taekwondo is reported to the relevant authorities. Any form of abuse or complaint against a member of CAT  MUST be reported directly to the Child care/Welfare Officer.

            Carlton – Arena Taekwondo will appoint Child Care/Welfare Officers and ensure that his/her name, role and duties are communicated to all children/juniors and Parents/Carers.


Statement of Principles


In compliance with and further to the Statement of Policy, Carlton – Arena Taekwondo will ensure that, as far as reasonably practicable, the following principles are implemented:


·         The welfare of a child/junior whilst attending training is paramount.


·         All children/juniors (and adults) hold a current BT licence. 


·         That all Carlton – Arena Taekwondo licensed children/juniors (and adults), regardless of their age, cultural background, gender, racial origin, disability or sexual identity are protected from abuse being sexual, physical or emotional.  


·         That any complaint or allegations reported to the Child Care/Welfare Officers or to the Instructors are recorded and investigated as urgently as possible and the findings reported to the relevant person(s). [Definition of a “relevant person” is given later in the Policy document].


·         Any complaint against a student of CAT will be investigated and the student suspended from membership until the investigation is concluded.


·         All children/juniors (and adults) have the right to safety and to be treated with dignity and in accordance with the Tenets of Taekwondo.


                        Signed:….........…………………       Signed:………………………….      

                        (Chief Instructor)                                                    (Partner)


Signed – Mrs. Ketki Nandha: .................................      Date: 09 January 2024                       (Child care/Welfare Officer)




Part II


Arrangements, systems and procedures


Child abuse – Definition:


Child abuse is an expression used by all to describe the way a child/junior is or may be harmed usually by an adult/older person. Although men are the greatest offenders, it must be remembered that 5% to 10% of women are involved in child abuse usually emotional abuse and neglect.

Attention must also be given to the fact that children/juniors can abuse other children/juniors. This is usually referred as “bullying”.


There are four (4) main forms of child abuse

·         Physical abuse

·         Sexual abuse

·         Emotional abuse

·         Neglect


(Note: A child/junior may suffer from one form of abuse or a combination of more than one)


Important note:

 Carlton – Arena Taekwondo is not responsible for determining whether or not abuse has taken place outside its area of activities/control but is responsible for protecting a child from abuse.

                          The decision to report or react to allegations or suspicion of child abuse is a very difficult one. If in doubt, please see and discuss the matter with Carlton – Arena Taekwondo  “Child Care/Welfare Officer” without delay.                                    


A – Physical abuse:


            Physical abuse is not only causing actual injury to the body but condoning or giving a child/junior access to addictive substances (i.e.: alcohol, drugs…) can also be seen/taken as a form of physical abuse.


In Taekwondo and Carlton – Arena Taekwondo included, a very clear distinction must be made between sparring with light and controlled contact and striking with excessive force. Carlton – Arena Taekwondo will always follow very closely the guidance from the BT and its Masters in Taekwondo.

Under no circumstances will the use of light and controlled contact be permitted for a child/junior (or even an adult) until he/she has reached a safe standard of self-controll and wearing head and body armour.

            Anyone found intentionally/voluntarily using excessive force or striking a child/junior (or even an adult) in a prohibited area of the body, may be instantly dismissed from Carlton – Arena Taekwondo and, if judged necessary, reported to the parent/carer of that child. This rule will not apply to proven accidental/unintentional strike.


B - Sexual abuse:

            Sexual abuse occurs when an adult seeks his/her sexual gratification from a boy or girl. Sexual abuse will also include remarks, stories or jokes of a sexually explicit nature.


            Instructors and Officials of Carlton – Arena Taekwondo will always ensure that their close working/training relationship with Students is never allowed to spill over to an improper one.

Particular attention must be given to “close work” like self defence whereby close body contact may be necessary in order to effectively perform a move.  Although Instructors and Officials will always ensure that such moves are performed in the strict spirit of Martial Arts, Parents/Carers of young children must also understand and accept that some contact with others will happen whilst training (i.e. hands, arms, head, legs, feet).

“Inappropriate touching” or explicit and offensive remarks of a sexual nature must be immediately reported to the Chief Instructor and/or to Carlton – Arena Taekwondo “Child Care officer”. All reports of this nature will be investigated and findings recorded and, if judged necessary for the protection of a child, reported to the relevant authorities.


            C – Neglect:


Neglect will arise when an adult fails to meet the basic needs of a child/junior. This will include food, warmth, hygiene, medical care and proper supervision.

Carlton – Arena Taekwondo will ensure that proper medical care (first aid) is provided to all its Students regardless of age.


            D – Emotional abuse:


Emotional abuse occurs when a child/junior is threatened, taunted, excessively shouted at or where effort or progress is ignored and when the self-confidence and self-esteem of the child/junior is undermined.

            Because of the philosophy, teaching, nature and origins of Taekwondo, emotional abuse must not be confused with the need to maintain discipline and progress. The safety of all Students must also be paramount.

            Instructors will always ensure that should the need arise to discipline a child/junior during a training session, the disciplinary action is rapidly followed up by a form of encouragement or praise.



Good practices/recommendations


Supervision --->          Under no circumstances can a class/training session be permitted to start unless at least one (1) BT licensed Instructor and a minimum of two (2) adults are present (including parents watching).


Complaints --->           All complaints must be immediately reported to the Chief Instructor

                                    and/or to Carlton – Arena Taekwondo Child Care/Welfare Officer.


Good Practices when working with children --->      General recommendations. 




General recommendations:


·         Always be publicly open.

·         Avoid situations where working unobserved.

·         If contact is required to assist a child/junior, do it openly.

·         Report immediately any accidental touching to the Chief Instructor or the Child Care/Welfare Officer.

·         Under no circumstances is an adult permitted to take a child/junior (other than his/her own parent/carer) to changing room /toilets.

·         Never spend excessive amount of time alone with children away from others.

·         Never take children/juniors alone on car journeys, however short.

·         Never take a child/junior to your home where he/she will be alone.

·         Never engage in rough, physical or sexually provocative games, including horseplay

·         Never allow children/juniors to use inappropriate language unchallenged.

·         Never make sexually suggestive comments to a child/junior, even in fun.

·         If an adult accidentally hurts a child/junior and he/she appears to be distressed, report the incident as soon as possible to another two colleagues and make a brief note to that effect. It would also be prudent to report the incident to the parent/carer


Should an adult suspect child abuse in or outside Carlton – Arena Taekwondo or be uncertain or concerned about an incident which could be incorrectly interpreted or viewed by others as a possible ‘child abuse’, he/she should report it without delay to the Child Care Officer. A short report including a clear recount of any events, should also be confidentially shared with the Child Care Officer. Please remember that anyone can report suspected ‘child abuse’ directly to the contacts below:


Local Professional Contacts


Police Child Abuse Investigation Unit

428 Century House Carlton Road

Nottingham   Tel. 0115 9 67 09 99


Rushcliffe Social & welfare Services

The Hall

Bridgford Road

West Bridgford   Tel. 0115 9 14 15 00


British Taekwondo 

Tel. 01623 63 22 03


C.A.T Chief Instructor

Master Guy Chatel

(CAT Administration Manager – Norma Chatel on same number)

Tel. 0115 9 45 25 11


Carlton – Arena Taekwondo Child Care Officers:   --> Mrs. Ketki Nandha

Carlton – Arena Taekwondo Welfare officer---> Mrs. Ketki Nandha



Signed (Chief Instructor)....................................    Signed (Partner).....................................


Signed – Mrs Ketki Nandha.  ...........................................    Date:  20/01/2024



Child care and Welfare Officer Personal contact details:


Mrs Mrs Ketki Nandha tel. 07880908886   


Note: Mrs Ketki Nandha can/must be contacted on any matters including private & personal.


Carlton - Arena Taekwondo





Declaration form


You are advised that under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (exceptions) Order 1975 as amended by the Rehabilitations of Offenders Act 1974 (Amendments) 1986, you should declare all convictions (including spent convictions). You should advise Carlton – Arena Taekwondo of any convictions incurred by you after completion of this form.


Personal disclosure of all Instructors, Officials and Child Care Officer working or in contact with children whilst attending Carlton – Arena Taekwondo training classes.




Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence or been the subject of a caution or Bound Over order? 

    please delete incorrect box


If yes, please state nature and date(s) of offence(s):



Have you ever been subject to any disciplinary action or sanction(s) relating to child abuse?



    please delete incorrect box


If yes, please give details:



            You are required to self-certify that you are not known to any Social Services Department as being an actual or potential risk to children, and that you have not been disqualified or prohibited from fostering children or had any rights or powers in respect of any child vested in or assumed by local authority, or had a child ordered to be removed from your care.


Name in full:…………………………………………………………………………


Date of birth:……………… Place of birth:……………….. Nationality:………….


Address: ……………………………………………………………………………..






Signed:……………………………… Dated:………………





Carlton - Arena Taekwondo





Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Policy



This policy reflects the Single Equality Act 2010 which harmonises and replaces previous legislation including the Race Relations Act 1976, Disability Discrimination Act 1995, Gender Recognition Act 2004 and Sex Discrimination Act 1975.

The Single Equality Act combines the existing three duties into one new Equality Duty that covers all seven of the equality strands: age, disability, gender, gender identity, race, religion or belief and sexual orientation.



Carlton Arena Taekwondo Club is fully committed to the principles of equality of opportunity and the elimination of unlawful and unfair discrimination, ensuring the provision of diverse, inclusive environment for all participants. We believe in our duty and will be proactive in working to:

·         Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment, victimisation and other prohibited conduct;

·         To eliminate any discrimination, harassment and victimisation;

·         To ensure that no one is unfairly or illegally disadvantaged as a consequence of their age, disability, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, colour, race, ethnic or national origin, disability or religious beliefs;

·         Celebrate diversity and promote community cohesion by fostering good relations.


Legal Requirements:

Carlton Arena Taekwondo Club recognises its legal obligations under the Equality Act 2010 and any amendments thereafter.

The Equality Act defines nine protected characteristics:

·         Age;

·         Disability;

·         Gender reassignment;

·         Marriage and civil partnership;

·         Pregnancy and maternity;

·         Race;

·         Religion or belief;

·         Sex;

·         Sexual orientation.


The Act defines a number of types of unlawful behaviour, including:

·         Direct discrimination;

·         Direct discrimination by association or perception;

·         Indirect discrimination;

·         Discrimination arising from disability;

·         Bullying;

·         Harassment related to a protected characteristic;

·         Victimisation.


EDI Incident Reporting:

Carlton Arena Taekwondo Club regards discrimination, harassment, bullying or victimisation as serious misconduct. All incidents which appear to be unlawful and unfair discrimination, should be reported to the Welfare Officer – Mrs Ketki Nandha at the earliest opportunity.

Whilst an investigation is carried out, the alleged offender will be suspended from all club activities.

All complaints will be taken seriously and measures including disciplinary action may be brought against any Stakeholder who unlawfully discriminates against, harasses, bullies or victimises any other person.





Policy reviewed:

Summer 2021 January 2024





Site last updated : 14th January 2024