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Club News

Current and old club news can be found here.

Latest news

Last Sunday at the Arena

Last class at Rushcliffe Arena will be Sunday 23rd June.

From Sunday 30th June, Sunday class will be at Gamston Community Hall - 4.30 to 6pm.

CAT Summer Break

Please notice CAT closure as follows:

Week 1 -- 12th-18th August closed

Week 2 -- 19th-25th August closed

Return to normal classes from Tuesday 27th August.

Next Kup grading

Saturday 22nd June 2024 

Gamston Hall 2pm to 5.30pm. 

please arrive at least 15 minutes before starting time.


Dan Grading results

Dan Grading November 2023

Congratulations to the following Students who passed the Dan Grading on 19/11/2023

Kaitlin Waddell Promoted to 3rd Dan
Loic Busca Promoted to 3rd Dan Poom
Ketki Nandha Promoted to 2nd Dan
Tanvi Parida Promoted to 2nd Dan Poom
Zoe Bryan Promoted to 1st Dan Poom
Kavach-veer Nanda Promoted to 1st Dan Poom

Member of the year award 2023

Member of the year award 2023

Congratulations to

"Hannah Freeman"

(3rd Dan - WT)

Who Received the

Carlton Arena Taekwondo



Class for ==> Sunday 11th June 2023 => Gamston Community Hall – 4.30pm to 6pm

Please note the following notice:

We have been informed by the Arena that the main hall will not be available on Sunday the 11th of June.

The training session has therefore been transferred to Gamston Hall instead.

GM Lennox Visit - 23rd April

GM Lennox Visit - 23rd April
Click to enlarge.

On Sunday 23rd of April GM Lennox visited our club.

GM guided warmup and then helped with 4th Dan preparation.

We all enjoyed the day, especially the little ones.

Page last updated : 20th February 2024